Thursday 25 April 2013

T.D. Jakes: Unforgiveness Is Like a Cancer - Oprah's Lifeclas...

I have yet to meet that person who hasn’t at some point in their lives been hurt by the people they love. One of the most difficult things to do in life is to forgive the people who hurt you. However, we must understand that forgiveness is essential if we are to live life to the full.  It is a gift we must find a way to give ourselves regardless of who or what has placed us where we are.  

Forgiveness is such a big idea. It isn’t about weakening you but strengthening you to live and love again, performing at your highest capacity, unencumbered by yesterday’s maladies. It does not exonerate the one who hurt you, nor does it trivialize the depth of your trauma… But it brings you into an abode of peace where you begin to let go of your past and embrace your future. 
I believe we all have a story of pain to share.
You know, it is easy to preach forgiveness when you’ve not been in a situation that requires you to forgive. But coming from someone who has been hurt many times by scoundrels and loved ones and still, was able to not just survive the experience, but let go, is someone worth listening to. 
In his brief interview with Oprah Winfrey, Td jakes compares unforgiveness to cancer. He explains why unforgiveness is dangerous to the human soul and shares with his audience how they can come out of the pit of unforgiveness.
Please check it out and share with friends and family. It is a must watch.
Huntly AnabsTwitter: @huntlya

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